Sunday, July 8, 2007

Couple of days old...

I was gonna post this the same night I posted that first blog, but my futon wanted me to have some alone time with it. The next day I had begun to try again. I got as far as to scan the images in, but was then visited by my cousin who had brought over his "glow in the dark" Ouija board. We talked on the phone the day before on how he had just purchased it and began speaking with spirits, including his great grandpa....I should really post these images instead of talking about that day. Here's some stuff I did over at Pricilla’s cafe. Miguel Puga brought along his "Mickey mouse" watercolor set so I was excited to use that. I haven't touched the medium since high school, but as I began bringing in color to the sketches, it was as if I stepped into a time portal to when I was a little boy coloring away on loose pages. It really was some awesome fun...even though I was horrible at it.

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