Monday, July 9, 2007

Couple of hours old...

After trying out the water colors couple days ago, I decided to keep experimenting with it. So I went out and bought myself a Koi Pocket Field Sketch box(awesome!) and a water color pad. I got the chance to take the things around today. I just returned from a baptism after party and sketched a bit, just to mess with the water colors. I began getting the hang of it, The buzz from the drinks gave me enough courage to select colors and apply it on the page without being cautious of where to place the brush. I was no longer in control of the sketch, I just let my instincts pull the image together. Luckily, I gave myself a limit on drinks; just so I can masterfully avoid getting a d.u.i.! If a limit wasn't placed, the pages would be drenched in water and would eventually curl themselves up once dry. I didn't plan to include that rough beginning sketch in here, but what the hell. Don't drink and post.

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